Breakfast - Pop Tart
Lunch - Firehouse Hero sub
Dinner - PB & J and potato chips
Weight - 186 lbs
Ran around Downtown today since the weather (and scenery) was awesome - 4 milesish - 32 min 30 sec
Good Day
Dad coming home early from Philly because they opted not to do chemo since it has not shrunk the tumors at all would usually be a bad day, but in three weeks they are going in for a surgery where they aim directed radiation at the individual tumors to kill them and that makes me happy. Not to mention that my opinion is that when dealing with an incurable, life-threatening disease, it is always positive when things aren't getting worse. My dad has always been one of those to be like Vanilla Ice and just solve the problem while his dj revolves it, but I'm glad to see him understanding that its going to take treatment and management the rest of his life and most of us are happy with that as long as we get to have him here on earth longer and longer!'
For more on Dad's story visit -
I enjoy reading y'alls journey. Thanks for the daily updates and we pray for all of you often.